
There are a lot of different people involved in a stunt. There are also a lot of different stunts. You need to know what your doing before you stunt.

                                       The 5 Positions 

There Are Five Positions In a normal stunt group.  2 Bases, A Back Spotter, A Front Spotter, and a Flyer. This Is what it looks like.                   
B         F         B
A         L         A
S         Y        S 
E         E        E 


A Beginner Stunt
A Lunge is usually when both bases are in a lunge facing each other, and the flyer stands in the pockets of the legs. Normally, They Have a back spotter, but it's not required. For example if you have a small squad, you do not have to have a back spot.

Shoulder Sit

Shoulder Sit
Another Beginner Stunt is a Shoulder Sit. The base lunges and the flyer steps in to the pocket of the base's leg. The flyer swings her free leg up onto the base's shoulder. The flyer then swings the other leg up and onto the base's other should while the base slowly stands up.

Swedish Falls

An Intermediate Stunt is The Swedish Falls. There are 4 bases and 2 flyers for this stunt. Pick 2 of your stronger bases. But nonetheless the other bases can't be weak. So 2 bases face each other and lock arms. Tightly. The 2 flyers get on either side of the bases that are locking arms. The flyers hold onto the bases shoulders. The 2 other bases grab onto their flyers leg and counts to 3 and extends above their heads.